Acoustic fencing gallery

Price list Acoustic fences
Assembly of Soundproof panels

ogrodzenia akustyczne
PVC Acoustic Fence

ekrany akustyczne od sąsiada
Soundproof Fence

ogrodzenia akustyczne posesyjne
PVC Acoustic Screen

ogrodzenie ekrany akustyczne
Acoustic Fences

Ogrodzenia dźwiękochłonne w ogrodzie
Garden Acoustic Screens

Ekran akustyczny od sąsiada
acoustic fences

Ekrany akustyczne ogrodowe cena
Acoustic fences

Ekran akustyczny od sąsiada
PVC Acoustic Screen

ekrany akustyczne
soundproof fences

Gallery of acoustic fencing implementations

On this page we present a photo gallery of soundproof fences and acoustic fences that level noise by 25dB. By creating fences that are so effective in suppressing noise as well as providing interesting, modern fences for the property, we set new trends in construction. They are built on the basis of panel spans based on PVC, filled with mineral wool. The photos in the gallery perfectly capture the practical advantages of our acoustic screens as well as their value as interesting modern property fences. Such acoustic screens from the neighbor’s side perfectly suppress unwanted noise. Acoustic fences of the property are most often used as noise-absorbing screens. Aesthetic and modern in their appearance, acoustic fences are made of high-quality PVC profiles, which makes them look modern and also very aesthetically pleasing.

Photo gallery of PVC noise barriers

Many times we hear questions from our customers about what can be done about a noisy neighbor who does not allow you to function in a concentration that requires peace and quiet. Most often these are complaints about a noisy heat pump, air conditioners or playgrounds located close to the property. However, just as often the cause of complaints about noise or bad acoustics is…. increasingly intense and therefore louder car or street traffic. Concrete noise barriers do not pass the test because they are unsightly, huge and do not meet the conditions of modern soundproof fences. They are typical noise reflecting screens, which means they have to be huge. As a manufacturer of pvc fencing, we have seen the demand for aesthetically pleasing acoustic screens that not only absorb noise, but at the same time are an ornament to gardens and properties.

Acoustic Screens – Workmanship Gallery

However, there is also an interesting trend in companies’ interest in building acoustic fences to apply proper noise shielding. Preferably before it becomes a nuisance to the property of nearby residents. Such a neighbor who cares about the comfort of the surrounding community plans to build acoustic fences as early as the stage of a construction or business expansion project. Our Acoustic Fences photo gallery will help you better plan the installation of soundproofing fences. Definitely leading the orders are craft companies, manufacturers or construction companies that order acoustic fences for installation around their production facilities, workshops, air conditioning systems and even individual air conditioners. Our acoustic baffles have also found use in reducing the noise of a busy street near housing estates or houses.